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Biblioteca ~Library

Judy Stobbe Memorial Library

Judy Stobbe Memorial Library

¡Bienvenidos a nuestra biblioteca! Cada clase en Alianza tiene la oportunidad de visitar la biblioteca por lo menos una vez a la semana. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes pueden sacar y entregar libros en horas designadas cada día.
Por favor utilice esté el botón "Destiny Discover" para entrar catalogo digital para buscar títulos de libros que están disponibles en nuestra biblioteca.
Welcome to our library!   Each class at Alianza has an assigned time to visit the library together to browse and check out books in addition to extra Book Exchange Hours  where students may come with a pass (located in each classroom) during the day.
Please use the button "Destiny Discover" to access the digital catalogue and search for books located in our library.

Jovita Molina

Jovita Molina

Bibliotecaria ~ Librarian
Jovita and Human rights activist Rigoberta Menchu
Jovita Molina with Human Rights Activist and author, Rigoberta Menchú /
Jovita Molina con activista de derechos humanos y autora Rigoberta Menchú.
Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez, Human Rights Activist, day is celebrated on March 31. Please use this day as a day of service.
Celebramos a Cesar Chavez, activista de derechos humanos, el 31 de marzo. Favor de usar este día como un día de servicio.

Jovita and students meet Captain Underpants

Playing the underpants toss game

Third grade students meeting Dog Man

Students and their Dog Man books

Captain Underpants puppet!